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Following instruments are available in our lab
Materials & Chemistry Lab
1. Fume Hood

2. High Precision Magnetic Stirrer

3. Rotary Evaporator

4. Lyophilizer
5. Probe Sonicator (Hielscher, Germany)

6. Bath Sonicator

7. Programmable Syringe Pump

8. Chiller (-10 oC to 30 oC) (Polyscience)

9. Electrospinning Apparatus
10. Highly sensitive pH meter

11. UV cabinet for TLC

Cell Culture Lab
1. Autoclave

2. Bio-safety Cabinet

3. High Speed Cold Centrifuge

4. CO2 Incubator

5. Fluorescence Microscope (Olympus)

6. -86 oC Freezer (Eppendorf)

7. High spin centrifuge

8. Gel Electrophoresis system

9. High efficiency power pack

10. Protein gel electrophoresis system

11. Semi dry blotter

12. Gel doc system

13. Multipurpose Vortex

14. Water Bath

15. Gel Rocker

16. Elisa Reader (Plate reader)
17. Orbital shaker incubator

18. Thermal Cycler (PCR)

19. Inverted Microscope

20. Liquid N2 Tank (cell storage)

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